Knights Accounting – Rupanyup
At Knights Accounting we take enormous pride in our business and this reflects in the level of service we provide to our clients. As regional accountants we know and understand the local community and the challenges regional businesses face. Our goal has always been to provide a personalised service that answers your financial problems through effective strategies and solutions.
Our practice can deliver a wide range of services and solutions. Apart from standard compliance services such as tax and BAS processing, we assist a wide range of clients to grow their wealth, to improve their profitability, to better manage their business, to achieve a better work / life balance and various other specialist services.
We are locally owned and staffed so we really know our clients and their needs as we share the same space and experiences but we also draw on the experiences of our network partners and advisors to ensure we can find an effective solution for just about any issue you may have.
For a firm that will treat you like part of the family, think Knights Accounting.
Contact our office today on 5385 5330 or for tax effective solutions and great business advice!
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Our Team
Peter Knights
B Bus – Certified Practising Accountant |
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Bernadette Taylor
Professional Support |
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Grant Kuchel
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Lee O’Grady
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Margaret Mewburn Administration Assistant |
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About Us
Knights Accounting has offices in Rupanyup and St Arnaud with our team spread over the Wimmera area. Our aim is to create a positive impact on your business by offering quality services with respect to all compliance work as well as tax planning and business consulting. We provide more than just processing a tax return, our aim is to form a partnership with our clients to support them in achieving their goals.
We are focused on supporting business and individuals in our local communities and being good community members. We would ask you to consider supporting a local firm employing local professionals. We have a strong focus on professional development ensuring that our team keep up to date with industry standards and legislation.
We have a strong background in the agriculture industry as well as business advising.
The practice was established in 1994 when Peter and Natalie chose to make the move back to the family farm at Gre Gre (Between Marnoo & St.Arnaud) after working in Horsham. The aim of this move was to combine both pursuits by establishing a small practice servicing predominantly farming clients, based from the farm and travelling to clients as required, allowing flexibility to be involved with various farm jobs. By utilizing the rapidly developing use of computerization of accounting and bookkeeping as well as traditional services, the practice established quite quickly.
Changes to the taxation system, and economic reality of farming in the last decade however has meant this initial goal has been redefined several times since 1994.
Whilst establishing at Gre Gre, Peter worked in a locum capacity for several accounting firms both for continuing development and to supplement income. This provided exposure to a variety of systems and clients. Whilst working in this capacity with Sam Matthews in Rupanyup during 1996, it became obvious that firstly it was not ideal to have your office in your home (especially with small children!), secondly that Rupanyup was at the centre of our client base (being spread mostly between Horsham and St.Arnaud), and thirdly that it was professionally beneficial to work with peers with whom you could confer.
As a consequence, the main operation of the practice was relocated to Rupanyup in 1997. The practice continued to grow with an emphasis on looking after the work we already had. Hence we did not advertise or actively chase work, maintaining a low profile. Allison Laidlaw commenced work for both Samantha Matthews & Associates and Knights Accounting. Aileen Douglas joined our firm later in 1997, providing accounting, taxation and audit support. Jane Reading was our admin support during the late 90’s until moving away, being replaced by Gaileen Webb.
The commencement of GST in 2000 was the one biggest influence on why our firm has grown so much. We went from having just the right amount of work to keep everyone busy and fully utilizing the resources and premises, to having double the workload, double the paperwork, double the meetings and double the pressure.
It was at this point that it was realized that we either reduce workload or expand resources to cope, and more importantly, that in this environment, work could not continue to be produced accurately, and clients serviced adequately if it was dependant on one person only. Simply because if that person paused or stopped, the whole practice wouldn’t function. At this point Matt Webb was appointed, closely followed by Bernadette Taylor, while Aileen continued to increase hours and direct involvement with clients.
We survived the initial introduction of GST intact, however the increase in resource requirements meant our practice and Sam’s practice had outgrown 16 Cromie Street, resulting in a move by Sam to combined offices with Wimmera Grain, leaving Knights Accounting room to setup on its own and to accommodate the compliance work.
It was also from this that we have developed the policy of having two accountants at any time conversant with each file, and maintaining the same personnel on each job to provide consistency, and more importantly enable all matters to be dealt with promptly, accurately and regardless of availability of specific team members at the time. To achieve this, we appointed Tony Roberts in April 2004 and Naomi Medlyn (in conjunction with SMA) in November 2004.
To accommodate clients from the St.Arnaud area, Peter set up a separate practice in St.Arnaud in January of 2005. There is also an office in Horsham by appointment, with Peter attending twice monthly.
In April 2011, Knights Accounting Rupanyup partnered with Horsham accounting firm Watts Price Accountants as a way to grow the business and further extend the services we currently provide our valued clients. Peter now shares his time between Knights Accounting Pty Ltd in Rupanyup and his other separate business in St Arnaud – Knights Norfolk.
Our Core Principals
Provide a Positive Impact
Protect the Asset – Grow from the asset
Watch your blindside – understand risks and guard for impact of change
Compliance is not optional – these are things we must do
Our Values
Confidentiality: No exceptions ensure that identity of our clients not disclosed and their affairs kept private.
Approachability: Establish partnerships with our clients and team.
Fairness: No surprises, be upfront, build community relationships, bill clients what we are worth.
Respect/Valuing People: Treat everyone with respect and make them feel valued
Loyalty: Be committed to our clients and our team.
Quality Results: Provide best product we can, adapt to client needs.
Flexibility: Create a supportive working environment.
Profitability: Run a profitable practice. Fair return on our investment.
Phone: (03) 5385 5330